Tuesday, October 30, 2007


I am glad to see a convicted felon is having his moment of fame with Clinton foes score new YouTube hit
....................the "swift boat" liars are back at it again too helping with this production........hopefully this time Americans will not be fooled by this republican trash..........it is amazing how much time and effort these idiots are spending on anti-Hillary stuff........what are they really for??? and here is some bad news for Obama Similarities to Clinton land Obama in a tough spot they share alot of the same views....despite the Obama campagin rhetoric......

"Part of Obama's problem, analysts say, is that despite how hard his campaign is working to highlight its differences - he is vowing again this week to take her on more directly - he and Clinton are simply not far apart on major issues.

"It's Wal-Mart and Kmart - they're occupying the same space," said Benjamin Ginsberg, a political science professor at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore." .......meanwhile Bill is on the road again................

Bill Clinton Rallies SC Crowd he still has it....and bill is Hillary's number one campaign weapon against the republicans......................and out of the mouth of babe's ..comes this.... Romney Says Giuliani's Support Will Fade ...........

"At some point, the former Massachusetts governor said, the party's conservative base will coalesce around a single candidate, making it tougher for Giuliani, the former mayor of New York City.

"Those of us who represent that base will find that we can get that support and ultimately face up one-to-one with Mayor Giuliani," Romney said. "At that point he'll have a more challenging time because I do not believe the Republican Party is going to keep Hillary Clinton out of the White House by acting like Hillary Clinton." perfect!!!!!!!!!! because America has just about had enough of this right wing theocracy....putting the mantle of God and religion on a very conservative right wing agenda................and finally.....the republicans have to literally raise the dead to attack the Clintons....what total trash...........

Ford's words from the grave to haunt 'sex-addict' Clinton

it must be Halloween......another republican trick.....................andy

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